
Taking Grassroots Activism to the Next Level

Armenian genocide

February 22nd, 2007 by

Letter to the Editor
In the Tuesday editorial “Pelosi’s pandering against Turkey,” you argue that Congress shouldn’t adopt the Armenian genocide resolution (H. Res.106) because it could lead to “serious damage” in relations between the United States and Turkey. Turkey’s threats are simply the continuation of its 90-year campaign of denying Armenian genocide. Why sell the United States short? Why must Congress capitulate to Turkish government threats while France, Argentina and other countries remain steadfast against similar pressures?
There is more at stake here than economic issues and geopolitics. There is the fundamental question of morality. Every time the Armenian genocide is recognized, mankind reaffirms its commitment to reconciling truth with humanity. By passing this resolution, the United States will include itself among those great countries that hold justice as a supreme value.
We cannot let realpolitik dictate truth. Renowned philosopher Bernard Henri-Levy said it best, in the French Newspaper Le Monde: “This Armenian genocide, this first genocide, it was — “first” — in the true sense of the word: an exemplary and almost the seminal genocide; a genocidal test case; considered a laboratory for genocide by the Nazis.”
Armenian Youth Federation France
Valence, France
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